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Individual Sessions, $90



“When Civic Champs was selected to participate at Techstars Startup Battlefield, I knew I wanted help to maximize the opportunity as hundreds of VCs and tens of thousands of people would be watching us pitch in the big stage. I was introduced to John and his coaching was instrumental.  He not only helped us refine our story and pitch but helped ensure we delivered a compelling story with the right emotional notes and cadence. As a debate national qualifier, serial entrepreneur, and former McKinsey consultant, I consider myself a strong public speaker. That said, John’s coaching from the perspective of a seasoned theatre and film professional is on a whole different level.  He has helped us gain access to investors, recruit better candidates, and present a more compelling narrative to our prospective customers. In short, I am a huge fan of John’s work.” Geng Wang, CEO Civic Champs -2021

“Working with John as a storytelling and public speaking coach is an absolute pleasure. John changed my perspective as an engineer that public speaking was not a rare talent that few have but a definite skill anyone can learn. More importantly, he provided the tools/exercises that have helped me succeed in any public speaking event. In the past, I would be nervous, and shivering during a pitch event. I now feel the strongest ever and am willing to make the bravest statements on stage.” Dr. Rajan Kumar, CEO Ateios Systems

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