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A Voice to be Heard

​Your voice is an instrument. An instrument you already play without knowing it. However, limitations in the voice inhibit your ability to effectively express yourself. And for your audience, an underdeveloped voice generates judgments of a person as weak, boring or uninteresting, lessening the impact of your message.

The voice is trained through 4 areas:

1. RESPIRATION: expanding and strengthening the breath.

2. PHONATION: stretching and strengthening the vocal folds (or "chords") to enable greater projection and range of pitch.

3. RESONATION: finding the correct "placement" of sound to ensure a voice is not too "nasal" or "throaty."

4. ARTICLATION: enhancing the ability to enunciate clearly and with ease. 

Respiration (Breath)

Phonation (Sound)

Resonation (Tone)

Articulation (Diction/Enunciation)

2010 - present

2010 - present

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